Category: Issue 1

Tackling wicked problems: 3 lessons from the ‘I Urban Andes International Design Workshop’

From wicked problem to urban resilience – is there a scientific formula for developing solutions through an interdisciplinary process? The Design Between’s inaugural article offers a starting point for discourse on tackling wicked problems by exploring the interdisciplinary approach used in the ‘I Urban Andes International Design Workshop’ in Ayacucho, Peru.

Defined by a bushfire: Are pre-conceived concepts of ‘community’ colouring attempts to facilitate post-disaster recovery?

Bushfires do not differentiate. Their destructive path is not defined by a reasoning of who lies in it, their impacts more often bring community together, rather than separate. Can the same be said about the support available to communities following such an event? Are pre-conceived concepts of ‘community’ colouring attempts to facilitate post-disaster recovery?

Issue 1 – Editorial: Communication as a conversation

With increased occurrences of natural hazards and humanitarian crises throughout the world, we need to talk about how we respond, recover and ready ourselves and others. And, we need to listen to what others have to say. This issue feature articles from two MoDDD graduates, offering insight into two of the themes we will be exploring here on TDB  – wicked problems and community engagement.
