This collection of photos represents a community development program designed by the University of Catalonia (UIC) partnered with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT) and the University of Piura (UDEP).

Residents of Pedregal Grande awaiting the construction of the memorial and playground.

Students from UIC, UDEP, and RMIT can be seen working on the initial stages of the ‘Pedregal de la Memoria’, after spending time with the community outlining the needs and goals of the design.
Outlined in ‘Community participation in development: nine plagues and twelve commandments’, Botes & Rensbury consider the 4th commandment of promoting community participation to be ”Promote co-decision-making in defining needs, goal-setting, and formulating policies and plans.”1

As co-designers, the community encouraged us to utilise local bamboo to build the platform and structure that would serve as a playground, shading device, and an elevated flood evacuation meeting point.
“People experiencing poverty and marginalisation have agency and the capacity to identify solutions themselves”2

RMIT students, Jumana, and Micheal using power tools were used on-site to cut bamboo stalks quickly and efficiently.
“Dialogue further requires an intense faith in humankind, faith in their power to make and remake, to create and re-create, faith in their vocation to be more fully human.”3

Children enjoying the newly constructed bamboo and rope swing.

A pot of Chicha de Jora is smashed by the Mayor of Pedregal and Dr. Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, marking the official inauguration of the Park.
”Because love is an act of courage, not of fear, love is commitment to others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is commitment to their cause—the cause of liberation.”4
Copyright © All rights reserved, Untilsunrise Photography
- Botes, L. & Rensbury, D. (2000). Community Participation in Development: nine plagues and twelve commandments. Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press, VOL. 35 NO. 1 pp. 41–58
- Howard, J. & Wheeler, J. (2015). What Community Development and Citizen participation should contribute to the new global framework for sustainable development. Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press, VOL. 50 NO. 4 pp. 552-570
- Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of The Oppressed. New York: Herder and Herder.
- Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of The Oppressed. New York: Herder and Herder.